The celebration of St Nicholas in Central Tanzania

The memory of St Nicolas was celebrated in the homonym Holy Church of the village Sasamambo of the region Iringa, region of the Holy Diocese of Arusha and Central Tanzania. Sasamambo is a village, hidden in the African stepe, one hour and a half away of the Missionary Shelter of Kindamali. The inhabitants get through life with animal husbandry, with the few cows they own. The borehole drilled at the courtyard of the Holy Church of St Nicolas during the summer of 2017 constitutes a live source for the people and the animals, as previously they were forced to traverse many kilometers to find some water.

The celebrating Divine Liturgy that was held for the memory of St Nicolas, was attended by many believers from al the villages around. As usual, after the Liturgy was held a litany for the sanctification of the believers and the area.

After the Divine Liturgy, a celebrating meal was offered by Itsios family, in loving memory of their father Konstantinos.