Our annual Missionary Colloquium

The already established Missionary Shelter’s Colloquium was completed successfully. This event constitutes an institution and the participation of all the members and the friends of the Missionary Shelter of St. Dionysius was enormous. We are grateful for your support to the multivarious missionary work in Central Tanzania through all these years.

The event included music program by a music group of the Musical School of Katerini, under the conduction of the professor Lazaros Tzormpatzidis. It was also displayed a documentary, produced by our Society, which was presented the evolution of themissionary work in the Holy Diocese of Arusha and Central Tanzania, and the necessities that need to be covered.

Main speakers were His Eminence Bishop Ioustinos of Nea Krini and Kalamaria and His Eminence Bishop Agathonikos of Arusha and Central Tanzania, who were referred with theological speech and empirical examples in the theological course and the life of the missionaries. The event was framed by guests, addressing their greetings to the attendees, such as His Eminence Bishop Georgios of Kitros, the Regional Vice-governor Sofia Mavridou, and the host of the event Elder Maximos, Abbot of the Holy Patriarchal and Stavropegic Monastery of Saint Dionysius of Olympus and president of the Administrative Council of the Missionary Shelter. He commenced the event addressing a paternal and patristic speech and sweetened our hearts.

We are grateful for your love! We would also like to thank all the people of the organizing committee, our sponsors and volunteers that served the event with care.